The Sendy Times
Expand your climbing knowledge with training tips and tricks from Movement's instructors, trainers, and coaches.
By: Amelia Gale
Odds are if you’ve been in a climbing gym, you may have taken a second to notice all the different shoes people are climbing in. With different brands, colors, comfort, and more there’s a lot of variety when it comes to shoes – and we mean a lot.
Climbing Tips | Fitness and Yoga
By: Amelia Gale
As the new year rapidly approaches, many people are starting to think of what they want to accomplish—whether it’s climbing a higher grade, overcoming a plateau, or improving nutrition. However, a common pitfall many people find themselves in is setting goals that are too unattainable. So how can you set goals that you can actually stick to? Here’s six tips to make sure your resolutions are both challenging and achievable.
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