Movement Blog

The Sendy Times

Expand your climbing knowledge with training tips and tricks from Movement's instructors, trainers, and coaches.


Stephanie has been climbing since 2001. Her hardest redpoint is Burning Down the House, 5.14b, which had she not followed point 3, would never have been completed.

Blog Feature

Women Rock Climbing | Rock Climbing | Training for Climbing | Climbing Tips

How to climb "5.Next": Six Mental Tips to Climb Harder

By: Stephanie

Above photo: Approaching the crux on Cannibals, 5.12d at Donner Summit. This isn’t going to be another train harder, work out more, get stronger fingers-type article—because, while these articles are important and valuable, they’ve already been written. Instead, this is what I do mentally when I want to climb harder. Let’s face it, we all want to get better. It’s why we love climbing. There’s always a challenge, whether you’re looking to climb your first 5.10 or 5.13. In my 14+ years of climbing, these are my time-tested tips on how to push your climbing level to the next grade.

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