Movement Blog

The Sendy Times

Expand your climbing knowledge with training tips and tricks from Movement's instructors, trainers, and coaches.

Trish Chen

Blog Feature

Fitness and Yoga

Fitness off the wall: Climb stronger with this weight training workout

By: Trish Chen

One great way to improve your climbing is to add regular weight training to your routine. Yep--it's true! While rock climbing is a skill sport, lifting weights is a preventative measure to help balance out muscles and protect against injuries. Lifting weights will create total-body strength that will allow the body to move in a variety of different ways. That's why we asked Trish, one of our Alpine Fitness instructors at our Englewood location, for a 60 minute fitness routine that will improve your grip strength and ability to hold tension so you can hold yourself on steeper terrain more easily, while also practicing movements that will support more precise footwork and improve technique.

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