Climbing Competitions on the World Stage: What to Expect Blog Feature

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Climbing Competitions on the World Stage: What to Expect

Comp Climbing

Early in August, the world will be enjoying the sport that so many of us love! Starting August 5th, climbers from around the globe will compete in one of the summer's most anticipated events. Here's what you need to know about the upcoming competitions.

New Format

Based on feedback from 2020, the climbing federation has revised its format with three distinct disciplines: Speed Climbing, Bouldering, and Lead Climbing and champions will be chosen for Sport Climbing (a combination of Lead and Boulder) and Speed Climbing. uptown showdown_event_harlem_MVMT_2024 120Photo: Trevor Riley, @trevorlately

The Disciplines and Competition Rules

Each discipline is scored slightly differently but an easy way to remember is “faster, stronger, higher”.


Complete the climb in the shortest time.


This exhilarating event is a head-to-head, single elimination, showdown on a standardized 15-meter wall.

The route is always the same, ensuring a fair comparison of times. Much like the March Madness bracket, climbers are paired up and face off until only one victor remains.


The fastest climber wins.

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Solve climbing problems in the fewest attempts.


Climbers face a series of short but challenging routes (problems) on a 4.5-meter wall.

Each problem has a specific sequence of holds to follow.

Points are awarded based on the number of successful attempts to reach the top hold (zone holds earn partial points).

4 minute time limit is set for each problem.


The climber with the least number of attempts to top the problems wins.

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Photo: Trevor Riley, @trevorlately


Climb as high as possible on a long, roped route.


Climbers attempt a single, long route on a 15-meter wall within a fixed time limit.

The route becomes progressively harder the higher it goes.

Falling or running out of time ends the attempt, and the highest hold reached is recorded.


The climber who reaches the highest point wins.


Photo: Hannah DePriest

Get Ready to Cheer

One of the best things about watching competitions is to see these incredible athletes push the limits of their abilities. Whether you're a seasoned climber or new to the sport, watching competition climbing is thrilling and inspiring.

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Photo: Trevor Riley, @trevorlately

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