The Sendy Times

Expand your climbing knowledge with training tips and tricks from Movement's instructors, trainers, and coaches.

Blog Feature

What is a dyno and how to do one successfully

By: Avi Bloomstein

Okay, I’ll say it; shorter climbers are, inherently, better at dynamic climbing than taller climbers. Sure, this is a gross oversimplification to provide for an exciting click-bait-y first sentence, but it also has some base in fact. Longer limbs require more work to generate a dynamic movement. So, while shorter climbers (I’m 5’3”) can sometimes be limited in what we can reach statically, they have a pretty sizable advantage in their mobility. The key is how we learn to use dynamic movement and that is a skillset that is helpful for climbers of all sizes! So – here are 4 principals to look at when you are moving your body up the wall dynamically. Make sure you're pushing and flagging

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Blog Feature

beginner climbing | Climbing Tips

Climbing holds just out of reach? Learn how to stretch every last inch

By: Ren Demeis-Ortiz

Having trouble reaching the next hold?  I know that feeling. As a youth climbing coach and a human with height and wingspan under 5 feet, that's a situation I encounter on a regular basis.  Over the years, I've gathered some approaches to stretch out every inch of a climber's (and my own) reach.  

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Blog Feature

beginner climbing | Climbing Tips | Start Climbing

How to use common climbing holds

By: Movement

One of the most basic climbing techniques we teach in our intro classes is learning how to use the holds given to you by our phenomenal routesetters. You could be the strongest climber in the gym, but if you grab an undercling incorrectly, you’ll likely come off the wall. Let’s examine some common holds you’ll find in our gym and how to use them.

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Blog Feature

beginner climbing | Climbing Tips | Start Climbing

Shift your weight to improve your rock climbing technique

By: Movement

We hear a lot of first-time climbers say: “I’ll never be good at climbing, I don’t have enough upper body strength.” Well, we’ve got some great news: a lot of climbing takes place in the legs. It’s a balancing sport, one that requires expertise in the delicate art of shifting your weight from foot to foot.

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Blog Feature

World Indoor Climbing Competition | Climbing Community | Climbing Tips

6 Climbing Lessons I Learned from Watching Competition Climbing (Even Though I Don't Compete)

By: Kim

Once I got into climbing, I started watching competitions. Well, I guess not all comps - specifically, the IFSC's (IFSC stands for International Federation of Sport Climbing) bouldering finals competitions. And while I don't climb in comps, even casually, I have learned a lot of great lessons and I recommend more climbers watch comps.

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Blog Feature

Women Rock Climbing | Climbing Tips

I got lost comparing myself to other climbers. Here's how I stopped.

By: Kim

I’ve been climbing for 8 years and I know I’ve accomplished so much, but every now and then I can’t help but compare myself to other climbers. Sometimes I look around and I get a little discouraged when I see other people, who’ve been climbing for much less time than me, working on climbs that I can’t even touch.

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Blog Feature

Women Rock Climbing | Rock Climbing | Training for Climbing | Climbing Tips

How one of my worst climbing days led me to my greatest achievement

By: Elisabeth Williams

When I think back on one of the proudest moments of my climbing career, I almost immediately remember one of my worst experiences. Both occurred at Indian Creek, Utah.

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Blog Feature

Women Rock Climbing | Rock Climbing | Training for Climbing | Climbing Tips

How to climb "5.Next": Six Mental Tips to Climb Harder

By: Stephanie

Above photo: Approaching the crux on Cannibals, 5.12d at Donner Summit. This isn’t going to be another train harder, work out more, get stronger fingers-type article—because, while these articles are important and valuable, they’ve already been written. Instead, this is what I do mentally when I want to climb harder. Let’s face it, we all want to get better. It’s why we love climbing. There’s always a challenge, whether you’re looking to climb your first 5.10 or 5.13. In my 14+ years of climbing, these are my time-tested tips on how to push your climbing level to the next grade.

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Blog Feature

The 12 Unspoken Rules of the Climbing Gym

By: Movement

Hey there climber! We know it can be intimidating to come into a new space, especially since it feels like there are always unwritten rules and etiquette that everyone but you seems to know. So, to help, we are writing those "rules" down for you!

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Blog Feature

Remembering Jesse

By: Movement

We are heartbroken to share that Jesse Schouboe tragically passed away last weekend.

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