The Sendy Times
Expand your climbing knowledge with training tips and tricks from Movement's instructors, trainers, and coaches.
By: Kim Tellez
When I’m in Rifle, all I want to do is climb. From the moment I wake up, I’m ready to take off and jump on the warm-up routes. I sleep with the guide book next to my pillow. On a sheet of scratch paper sticking out of the book is the list of routes I carefully chose the night before. I’m still a bit impatient, like a kid at Disneyland, but I’m working on it. As the sun creeps over my van, I get out and walk around and pace around my climbing partner’s car, who is usually still fast asleep. I might even bump into his car a few times to get the ball rolling.
By: James Scheh
As climbers, most of us have felt the awesome impacts that climbing can have on us as individuals and on our local communities. Ideally, the continued growth in climbing and the development of new climbing areas in new communities will continue to have a positive impact and foster our community. That is our goal for Loreto and Comundu, two small communities in the incredible Sierra Giganta Mountains in Baja California Sur.
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By: Jon Meltzer
BOULDERER IS A WORD It's true, rock climbing requires some technical knowledge. We need to know how to tie a variety of knots, as well as ways to manage slack and get down from the summit safely. We need to have gear (many of us tend to go overboard with racks upon racks of carabiners, slings, cams and other various baubles). We need marathon endurance to tackle gigantic, wandering routes that disappear into the clouds. Right? … Well, not exactly.
By: Ty Baxter
'Tis the season! Whether your heart is set on Red River Gorge, Indian Creek or Red Rocks, it's officially climbing season somewhere. You've watched the weather, acquired all the gear and downloaded the crags on your what? Make sure your t's are crossed and i's are dotted by checking out these quick tips for planning your climbing trip.
By: Danielle Repetti
Climbing is a challenging sport. It requires a great deal of technique, strength, flexibility, endurance and power. Many climbers have honed their technique and skill – but there's one looming part of the puzzle holding them back from those bigger, more challenging climbs.
By: Tori Barnett
The perfect climbing team shares your psyche, pushes you to be your best and helps you laugh at all the silly little things that life throws at you. They make you more creative, more compassionate, more connected to the climb. Together you dream up cool adventures, embark on fascinating journeys and stand on distant summits. A great team makes climbing even more rewarding.
By: Tori Barnett
Tommy Bell was part of the Rockville family for more than six years hosting birthday parties, teaching climbing classes and much more. Best known for his ever-present smile and seemingly endless supply of positivity, Tommy embodied the best in all of us. Our community lost Tommy far too soon when he passed away in a bicycle crash in the Spring of 2017.
By: Rachel Shallue
Each month we Rendezvous! Why? Because there’s no better place to check your worries at the door and relax with friends than at Movement. After a year of hosting these events, we’ve learned a few of the common threads that tie everyone together. Whether you are a long-time member or just interested in exploring the gym, the Rendezvous is a great way to join in on the fun. Friends, fun, free beer and a chance to meet new friends--what more could you ask for?
By: Roberta Garcia
Our mission is to share our passion for climbing with you - whether you are a seasoned climber or brand new to the sport of rock climbing, there is something for nearly everyone! As a veteran employee, I’ve seen a lot over the years - here is my personal list of insider’s tips to ensure your visit is amazing.
By: Brandy Cuellar
Red Rock Conservation Area is a climbers dream. Seriously, people wake up hugging their guide books. Let me paint you a picture: