The Sendy Times
Expand your climbing knowledge with training tips and tricks from Movement's instructors, trainers, and coaches.
By: Ali Bullock
“Let’s head to Seneca!”...or Red River Gorge or Yosemite...if this text pops up on your phone and your heart starts to race, you know you’re ready to take your skills outside. Making the transition to outdoor climbing is more involved than just learning about the shiny new gear, it also requires an evaluation of your skillset. Staying safe outside presents its own challenges and factors that may be foreign to you. It is vital to respect the risks that are unique to climbing outdoors.
By: Lawrence Osefoh
Find yourself itching for more than just your buddy’s beta spray on the newest V4? We've put together a list of some of the best podcasts to keep you going during the work week.
Get the latest climbing news, tips and tricks straight to your inbox.
By: Nate Schumacher
For most of us, our gear is our treasure: something we meticulously clean, inspect, display for our friends to admire and painstakingly organize (Don’t believe me? See the raddest gear sheds here). The thought of retiring it is difficult, but you know what they say: it hurts to let go, but sometimes it hurts more to hold on. I’m here to convince you to retire your cherished climbing gear before the point of no return.
By: Tiffany Shocklee
PRANAYAMA FOR CLIMBERS Pranayama is the art and science of the breath. Yogis use pranayama to calm the mind, expand inner awareness and stimulate a variety of healthful effects. Many of these practices translate beautifully into climbing. I would recommend trying these two in a seated or reclining position for a few minutes first before testing them out on a climb.
By: Kim Tellez
"Hello. My name is Kim and I'm a perfectionist." I don't know for sure how I became one. I'm guessing it had something to do with my childhood. There might be a sad little league story there. For whatever reason, since I was very young I remember trying very hard to be perfect at whatever I was doing. In school, I had to get straight A's, 100%'s on tests, be the fastest runner - I am an over-achiever, so… what's the problem?