The Sendy Times
Expand your climbing knowledge with training tips and tricks from Movement's instructors, trainers, and coaches.
Climbing Tips | Start Climbing
By: Hunter Price
So, you’re new to climbing, maybe you got really stoked and recently became a member at your local gym. You’re in the honeymoon phase of your climbing journey, and it’s a beautiful, magical time. The energy is through the roof, you’re starting to crush grades you once thought impossible, and maybe you’re even meeting some solid people who could end up being lifelong belay buddies. You’re pumped, you’re psyched, and every fiber of your being wants to be on the wall 24/7. But here’s the thing—take a deep breath. The classic mistake? Charging in every single day like you’re training for the World Cup. Look, I’m not here to kill your vibe or tell you to tone down the excitement. Stoke is good. Great, even! But there’s a sweet spot—a balance between climbing all the time and progressing in a way that keeps you strong and injury-free.
Climbing Community | Training for Climbing | Climbing Tips
By: Movement Staff
Get the latest climbing news, tips and tricks straight to your inbox.
Climbing Community | Training for Climbing | Comp Climbing | speed climbing
By: Movement Staff
Hosted at Movement Plano this past weekend, 21 of the country’s top Speed Climbers assembled for USA Climbing’s Speed Training Camp. Offering our Climbers premium lessons to aid in keeping their excellent performance this season. (photo by: Phuc Nguyen) Head Coach of the Team CRG Atlanta, Olexiy Shulga, led the wonderful climbing program. Utilizing her extensive expertise working with some of the county’s highest performing Speed Climbers. Various officials from the US Olympic & Paralympic Committee also made the journey to support our athletes, like Senior Strength & Conditioning Coach, Amanda Fleece, and Senior Psychological Services Provider, Sean McCann. (photo by: Phuc Nguyen) Beyond just tuning their skills in a more collaborative space, this camp gave the opportunity to bring together athletes from around the country to make bonds, compare programming, and share techniques. A chance some only get during competitions.
Training for Climbing | Climbing Tips | Fitness and Yoga
By: Kat Ku
When we aim to level up our climbing, many of us tend to focus on finger strength, endurance, technique, or power. While these aspects of training are crucial to climbers, one element we often overlook is mobility. Before diving into how mobility can supercharge your climbing, let’s clarify what it really means.
Rock Climbing | beginner climbing | Climbing Tips | Climbing Gear | Climbing gifts
By: Rachel Osborne
Walk into any climbing gear shop and you might feel like you've entered a hardware store on another planet. Walls lined with technicolor shoes, endless arrays of ropes, and about 80 different kinds of metal bits and pieces with names like "grigri" and "ATC" that sound more like Pokémon than climbing gear. But here's the good news: getting started is actually pretty simple. While experienced climbers might geek out over their trad rack or the latest belay device, beginners only need a few key pieces of gear. The rest can come later as you grow into your climbing journey. Planning your first visit? Check out our beginner's guide here.
Rock Climbing | Climbing Community
By: Movement
We sat down with Movement Colorado member and Golden Meet-Up Group leader Jacqui to chat about all things climbing. Check out our conversation below!
adventure climbing | beginner climbing | Climbing Tips | outdoor climbing
By: Hunter Price
We’ve all been there. You’re crushing your gym projects, feeling like royalty in the V4 realm, and then someone says, “Let’s take it outside.” “Everything’s a hold because it’s not color-coded,” they claim. “And the scenery is epic—c’mon, it’ll be an adventure,” they add. Suddenly, you’re in the back of a Subaru, headed to a crag you’ve never heard of, fumbling with a topo map and guidebook, trying to decode cryptic beta while sweating over the great unknown.
Rock Climbing | Training for Climbing | Climbing Tips | bouldering
By: Kat Ku
What is a Spray Wall?
Rock Climbing | Climbing Community | Routesetting
By: Canon Huse
You might think route setting is just drilling plastic holds onto walls all day. And sure, that's technically part of it - but saying that's all there is to setting is like saying painting is just putting colors on canvas or cooking is just throwing ingredients in a pan.
Rock Climbing | Climbing Community
By: Movement
Picture this — it's the last week of December. You're not sure what day it is, pie is becoming one of the major food groups, and it's day five of hosting the parents. Doesn't a gym session sound good right about now? Read on for the ultimate guide on bringing your family and friends along with you to Movement, whether you're traveling or hosting this holiday season!