The Sendy Times

Expand your climbing knowledge with training tips and tricks from Movement's instructors, trainers, and coaches.

Blog Feature

Climbing Tips

All About Climbing Training Boards in 2024

By: Movement

If you’ve ever been interested in climbing training boards, but you don’t know where to start—we’ve got you covered. From Tension to Kilter to campus, we’re covering the basics of the climbing training board landscape in 2024.

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Blog Feature

Start Climbing

Mastering Climbing Holds: Techniques for Conquering Diverse Grips

By: Movement Staff

In the world of rock climbing, mastering the various types of holds is crucial for climbers looking to push their limits and conquer new challenges. In this blog, we will take a look at each hold type so you can approach any problem with the confidence of a seasoned pro.

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Blog Feature

Rock Climbing | Climbing Tips | outdoor climbing

Top Tips to Get Started Climbing Outside

By: Christina Damon

Spent plenty of sessions crushing it at our indoor gyms and feeling ready to take your skills to the great outdoors? We're so stoked for you to experience the thrill of climbing on real rock. There's nothing quite like fresh air, the sounds of nature, and that satisfying burn as you problem-solve your way up an outdoor route or boulder.

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Blog Feature

Training for Climbing | Climbing Tips | Fitness and Yoga

How Fitness and Strength Training Can Improve Your Climbing

By: Movement Staff

Rock climbing is a multifaceted sport that challenges the climber's physical strength, mental acuity, and technical skills. Beyond the thrill of ascent, it’s a dance of precision where fitness and strength training play a crucial role in enhancing overall performance. Unlike conventional gym routines, climbing demands a combination of strength, technique, and problem-solving, offering a holistic approach to fitness that can transform climbing abilities. Boosting Physical Capabilities: The Role of Strength Training Incorporating strength training into a climber's regimen is pivotal for pushing past plateaus and advancing to more challenging routes. Key exercises like deadlifts and pull-ups build muscle endurance and power, which are essential for maintaining grip and pulling oneself up on the rock. Additionally, core-focused workouts such as planks and leg raises develop the stability needed to balance and maneuver through complex sequences on the wall. Grip Strength: The Foundation of Climbing One of the most direct benefits of weightlifting for climbers is the enhancement of grip strength. Exercises that involve hand weights, barbells, or resistance bands can significantly improve a climber’s ability to hold onto grips with less fatigue. This is crucial for both bouldering and big wall climbing where a strong, enduring grip can make the difference between success and a fall. Enhancing Flexibility and Mobility While strength is a clear asset, flexibility and mobility are equally critical. Climbers also benefit from incorporating yoga into their training schedules to increase their range of motion. This flexibility allows climbers to reach farther holds and maintain more challenging positions without injury. Dynamic stretching can also aid in preventing strains and enhances the fluidity of movements on the rock. Building a Community of Strength and Skill Strength training for climbers often thrives in a community setting, where shared goals foster motivation and learning. Climbing gyms (like Movement!) that offer fitness classes tailored to climbers provide environments where novices and veterans alike can learn from each other’s experiences and push their limits under the guidance of trainers familiar with the unique demands of the sport. The Synergy of Climbing and Strength Training The integration of strength training and climbing is not merely about achieving physical improvements; it enriches the climbing experience, boosting confidence and enabling climbers to tackle more difficult projects. This synergy not only elevates individual performance but also contributes to a richer, more inclusive climbing culture, where climbers support one another in achieving their personal bests. By emphasizing both fitness and climbing, climbers can enjoy a more fulfilling experience in the sport—advancing their skills, overcoming challenges, and enjoying the community that comes with shared pursuit of climbing excellence.

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Blog Feature

bouldering | Comp Climbing

Level Up Your Redpoint Comp Strategy

By: Matteo Daboub Gonzalez

Just signed up for your first comp and not sure where to start? If you haven’t yet, check out our article, Comp Climbing 101, to learn about comp climbing basics. Still, the day of a redpoint comp can feel overwhelming. So many climbs and so little time – and so many decisions to make! Not to worry, we’ve created a step-by-step strategy guide to help you make key choices to maximize your competition experience.

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Blog Feature

Climbing Community | Climbing Tips | outdoor climbing

Climbing Stewardship: Preserving the Beauty of Our Nation's Crags

By: Anna S.

Whether you're a seasoned climber with years of experience or a newcomer eagerly embracing the thrill of scaling rocks, chances are your adventures have led or will lead you to some of the most breathtaking climbing destinations across the country. As climbers, we're privileged to explore these natural wonders, but with this privilege comes a responsibility to protect and preserve these environments for future generations. This is where climbing stewardship comes into play.

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Blog Feature

Climbing Gear

The First Look: Scarpa Reflex VS

By: Hunter Price

Welcome, climbers! Today, we're diving deep into the world of climbing footwear with a test drive of the Scarpa Reflex VS shoes, sold exclusively at select Movement Gyms, nationwide. These shoes are the newest and most affordable model in the Scarpa fleet, boasting a blend of comfort, performance, and durability that's hard to beat. Join us as we explore everything you need to know about the Scarpa Reflex VS and why it's a game-changer for climbers everywhere.

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Blog Feature

beginner climbing | Climbing Community | Start Climbing | mental health

How Climbing Gave Me The Confidence Boost I Didn't Know I Needed

By: Rachel Osborne

Nearly 12 years ago – early into my climbing journey, I had a full-blown panic attack at the gym. As a beginner climber, I was so worried about people watching me and thinking, "Wow, that girl really has no idea what she's doing." I felt embarrassed and didn't want anyone to think poorly of me. Irrational? Yes - but I'm confident I'm not the only one who's been there.

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Blog Feature

Lead Climbing | Climbing Community | bouldering | Comp Climbing

Competition Climbing 101

By: Kat Ku

Competition climbing, or "comp" climbing as it's often called, has been on the rise in the last few years, especially since the sport made its Olympic debut back in 2020. You may have seen comp routes in your gyms and athletes crush at live events, but you might be wondering, "How exactly does competitive climbing differ from the rock climbing I'm used to?”

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Blog Feature

Elevate Your Workout: Transform Workouts with Climbing-Inspired Moves

By: Kelly Mason

Elevate your workout by incorporating these 6 climbing-inspired exercises into your routine! These moves will boost your strength, up your mobility, and get your heart racing, just like a climb sesh at the gym.

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